Analysis of a Level 2 Video
- Messy, badly filmed introduction with rough background noise.
- Shaky hand-held filming throughout.
- Dialogue that cannot be heard.
- Lack of continuity in editing (e.g match on action is not used).
- Reflection of actor, who is filming, in the screen of the iPod.
- The song shown on the iPod screen ('Someone Like You' by Adele) is meant to be playing in the background, but it is a cover performed by Boyce Avenue (which has a male singer).
- Low quality acting
- Walking of the bullies is not continuous, they obviously start walking during a shot when they had already started walking in the previous shot.
- Very long lasting shots without cuts to alternate shots (e.g close ups, mid shots).
- Unnecessary cut whilst she is walking across the road which lacks continuity and jumps suddenly.
- Awful fake violence that is not in the slightest bit believable (when the bullies attack her on the street).
Demonstrates skills needed:
- Variety of shots (e.g mid shots, close ups, long shots) in some sections of the piece.
- Clear story line.
- The credits are appropriate with the tone of the video.
- They have thought about mise-en-scene and only have actors that they need in each shot (they don't have out of place extras etc.).
- Most of their editing is clear and well done, but they have struggled with continuity.
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